As many of you may know, I am over the moon to have co-founded LUSH Getaways ( with two amazing women. My mother, for one, who is a long time resident of France, and will be sharing lots of knowledge of the Dordogne region, she now calls home with us. It's there that she runs our sister shop / design boutique: The Bohemians. You can check her out @thebohemiansfrance & her website ( We have also partnered with the amazing Jabulile Dayton, who is an avid traveler and makes magic happen in the SFBayArea and SOCal with her HR Firm. You can check her out @jabulile &
France has become an extension of who I am, because it's always played a big role in my life. Growing up I went to French bilingual schools, and in my Senior year of High school, Paris stole my heart when I studied abroad and attended various painting Atelier’s for painting & drawing. I am excited to share with our LUSH travelers all that we have in store.
One of our attendees for our launch tour this September 2016, Anuschka, has done such an incredible job of highlighting what the trip has in store on her blog Hipaholic. So beautifully done, that we wanted to share with you!! Have a look:
A few weeks ago I was approached by Jabulile of LUSH Getaways. If I wanted to come to the Dordogne in France by the end of the summer to participate in a special excursion. After a look at their site and Instagram page I was sure: I want to join a LUSH Getaways excursion! This is an excursion in a beautiful setting, where I can live like a French local for a week, follow interesting workshops and meet new friends; a lifetime experience!
In this post I will tell you more about this excursion.
LUSH Getaways is a new tour company founded by three American women and travellers: Johnelle Mancha, Kim Mancha and Jabulile Dayton.
Kim has lived in Brantôme, a village in the Dordogne, for nearly 10 years. She walked around for a while with the idea to show 'her' region to others. Along with Johnelle and Jabulile she founded LUSH Getaways.
LUSH Getaways offers an authentic travel experience to women with a broad interest in travel, culture, food and drink. It's nice that, as a single women, you can have a great holiday and meet lovely people.
On September 4th - 10th 2016 LUSH Getaways organizes an exclusive seven-day excursion in Brantôme. You will sleep in a incredible 17th century French manor that sleeps 6-10. You can lounge in the beautiful garden or a swim in the saltwater pool. Sounds great right?
Brantôme is a picturesque village in the Dordogne, so beautiful that it seems like you've landed in a storybook. It is perhaps one of the most charming villages in France and is also called the Venice of the Perigord region.
The tour will focus on the culinary -and wine experience, in addition to the everyday things that has to offer the region, such as shopping at a farmers market or stroll along the flea markets.
The team has also invited some special guests who will give workshops. For example, Abby Hitchcock from New York will make your culinary dreams come true with her cookery workshops and a local market tour. Photographer Ashley Batz from San Francisco will give a photography workshop. Christophe Dupuy, chef and owner of restaurant Les Jardins des Brantôme, will give a cooking demonstration followed by a lunch at his restaurant. Another special feature is the wine-tasting tour of female winemaker Jocelyne Pecou.
It will be a special trip you will not forget soon!
Do you also want to come to the Dordogne and experience the French dream? Visit the website for more information! à Bientôt!

To learn more about LUSH-Getaways, please visit our site:
Also... if you plan to be in the Bay Area June 26th, and would love to know more about LUSH Getaways, please visit our showroom for a free shibori dye technique workshop. See details below:

Thanks for reading!